Orthodontics in Dacula

Why Would I Need Surgery to Facilitate Orthodontic Treatment? 

Orthodontic treatment may be required if you have problems with the alignment of your teeth and jaws. Crooked teeth may make you feel self-conscious about your appearance, and they can affect your long-term oral health, too. The same is true of jaw problems like an underbite, overbite, or open bite. Sometimes, the orthodontist will request Dr. Quintero at Quintero Periodontics to complete surgical treatments to assist with your orthodontic care in order to improve your smile and enjoy the long-term health benefits of straight teeth and a healthy mouth. Contact us now to see how we can assist with your orthodontic treatment in Dacula.

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Did you know…

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4% of the population have an extra tooth, and 1-2% of the population have impacted teeth other than their wisdom teeth!

Ready to schedule your appointment?

Call (770) 614-8823 today!

How It Works: The Orthodontic Treatment Process

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Initial consultation

To begin, you’ll meet with Dr. Quintero at our office. He will assess your oral health and orthodontic needs, and determine if you’re a good candidate for treatment at Quintero Periodontics.

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Surgical treatment

If necessary, we will perform surgical treatment before or in conjunction with your braces treatment. These can include exposing an unerupted tooth, recontouring gum tissue, frenectomies, or anchoring teeth. This treatment allows for Invisalign, braces, or other orthodontic treatments.

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Accelerated orthodontics

Either before or during your orthodontic treatment, Dr. Quintero can provide accelerated orthodontics, which is a treatment that helps reduce overall case times by up to 60%

Our Orthodontic Treatments

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Tooth Exposure

In some cases, one or more of your adult teeth may not fully erupt. This is called “impaction.” While impaction is the most common in the upper canines, it can affect other teeth as well. Before you can get orthodontic treatment, your tooth must be surgically exposed and a bracket or chain placed to connect to the braces. Then braces and other appliances can be used to move the tooth into the proper position during the orthodontic treatment process.


A gingivectomy involves removing excess tissue from the gums. This can help facilitate placement of your Invisalign or braces and improve the overall balance of your smile.  This coupled with your orthodontics will enhance the appearance of your mouth and overall confidence.


A frenectomy may be recommended as part of the orthodontic treatment process, particularly for younger patients. Untreated lip ties can cause orthodontic problems like a diastema (gap between the front teeth).  A frenectomy will remove the fibrous gum tissue so the teeth won’t re-separate after braces. Sometimes, a frenectomy can be done prior to orthodontic treatment to prevent the interference of the gums and teeth. 

 Frencecomies can also be used to increase the range of motion for your tongue, allow for babies to breastfeed more effectively, and prevent pulling of the gums which can expose the tooth root causing recession.

Wilckodontics (PAOO/SFOT)

Wilckodontics is also called Periodontally Accelerated Osteogenic Orthodontics (PAOO)  or Surgically Facilitated Orthodontic Therapy (SFOT). These terms all refer to the same thing. This is a treatment method where a surgery is used to dramatically accelerate the process of getting braces.

In this treatment, you’ll undergo a special surgical procedure that allows the teeth to move more quickly into their desired positions.  Bone grafting will be done to protect the teeth as they are moved by the orthodontist.  This surgery, when combined with braces, speeds up treatment time 2-3x faster to get a straight smile, compared to braces alone. Our doctors have great relationships with many orthodontists in the area and enjoy every opportunity to work together for the benefit of our patients. Contact us today, and see if you’re a good candidate for PAOO at Quintero Periodontics.